Welcome to the Manchester Particle Physics Group. We are part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester. Our group carries out experimental and theoretical research into the fundamental particles that exist in Nature. We have more than 50 academic, research, and technical staff, as well as more than 50 postgraduate research students. Our experimental research takes place within large international collaborations and spans the energy frontier (ATLAS, FCC), quark flavour (LHCb, BES-III), lepton flavour (g-2, Mu2e), neutrino physics (DUNE, MicroBooNE, SBND, SuperNEMO) and direct dark matter detection (Darkside-50, Darkside-20k, FASER). We also carry out research into new detector technologies and new data acquisition strategies for future experiments. We host one of the largest and most successful Tier-2 distributed computing centres in the UK. Our theoretical research includes developing new models to extend the Standard Model of Particle Physics, performing precision quantum chromodynamics calculations, and developing Monte Carlo event generators. This research connects to Particle Cosmology and the study of the early Universe.